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 BM cycloidal hydraulic motor
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Basic parameters of hydraulic motor of agricultural machinery

2021-07-19 10:18:10

    1. Advantages of cycloidal motor Working pressure and rated pressure

Working pressure: type the specific pressure of the motor hydraulic oil, whose size depends on the load of the motor.

The error between the inlet pressure and the inlet pressure of the motor is called the pressure difference of the motor.

Rated pressure: According to the experimental standard, the maximum pressure of the motor during normal operation can be maintained.

2. Exhaust volume and flow

Air displacement: VM (m3/rad)

The flow excluding the leakage is called the basic theoretical flow qMt, considering that the leakage flow is a specific flow qM.

3. Capacity efficiency

Capacity efficiency η Mv: ratio of basic theoretical input flow to specific input flow,

4. Torque and mechanical energy

Not included in Cycloidal motor of aerial work vehicle Under the damage condition of

Specific torque T: the damaged torque Δ T is caused by the damage of mechanical equipment in the motor, which is smaller than the basic theoretical torque Tt.

Mechanical energy of motor η Mm: equivalent to the ratio of specific output torque of motor to basic theoretical output torque

5. Output power and total efficiency

     Plane flow distribution cycloid motor The specific input power is pqM, and the specific power is T ω,

Total efficiency of motor η M: ratio of specific power to specific input power.

6. Minimum oil return back pressure type

The minimum oil return back pressure type refers to the minimum pressure that must be maintained in the oil return chamber of the hydraulic motor in order to avoid platform staggering. The smaller the minimum return oil back pressure type, the better the characteristics of the hydraulic motor.

7. Minimum steady speed ratio

The minimum steady speed ratio refers to the minimum speed ratio of the hydraulic motor under rated value without climbing. In terms of specific work, it is generally expected that the lower the minimum steady speed ratio, the better, so as to expand the speed range of the motor.


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