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Marlin Merson, 1588-1648), in 1615, he defined the track of the wheel at the edge of the wheel as the cycloid, which rolls along the ground without sliding. In 1637, French mathematician Descartes published Geometry, which introduced variables and rectangular coordinates into mathematics and created analytic geometry, becoming a "turning point of mathematics". thereafter, Two speed cycloidal motor Many famous scholars have conducted long-term research on cycloid. For example, in 1623, the French scientist Blaise Pascal
To 1662), 1658), General Theory of Cycloid was published, Purchase hydraulic cycloid motor Leibniz was greatly inspired to establish calculus; The Dutch mathematician Huygens, the Swiss mathematician John Bernoulli, the Italian scientist Galileo, the British mathematician Newton and others have also studied cycloids and made important achievements. With the development of science and technology, cycloid is more and more used in production practice.